Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Q: Are there any other expenses associated with class besides the registration fee?

A: Yes.  Each student in K-12 is required to have an official gym class t-shirt with the student's first name on the front and last name on the back.  These shirts have cost $9 each in the past.  We also go off-site several times a year when we can't use the gym at Fellowship Missionary.  We've gone bowling, ice skating, roller skating, to the YMCA, and to the McMillen Park Community Center in the past.  We try to keep the cost of these activities low, usually $5 or less per student.  These activities are optional.  You don't have to attend the off-site weeks to be a part of the class.

Q: Why doesn't this site include last names, addresses, telephone numbers, or email addresses?

A: This is a public website.  Out of privacy for the individuals attending gym class, our website only lists a person's first name along with the first letter or letters of his or her last name.  If you are a registered attender, you should have a roster to help you find the other information as needed.

Q: Who do I contact to request changes in this site?
A: Amy H.

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